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SP Cost: 10
Syntax: consider
Skills used: none
As a knight you are keen to the knowledge of others
and their abilities in combat. By looking them over and
the way they handle themselves you can determine their
strength and power as opposed to your own.
While not entirely accurate, this technique can give
you a good starting point in determining whether or
not you should fight someone.
Technique Name: Salute
SP Cost: 10
Syntax: salute
salute setupall
salute setuptarget
salute target
salute remove all
salute remove target
salute remove both
Skills used: None
The first order of honor and discipline for a new soldier is
the ability to salute fellow knights. This honorable and
disciplined action is done with crispness and respect.
The way the salute works is threefold. In the most basic case
a knight will salute and the standard salute will be done to
all other knights in the area or if you target someone the
standard targetted definition will only be focused on that
The second option is to setup a personalized salute which will
happen every time you use salute. This will show you saluting
every other knight in the room with your personalized salute.
The third option is to setup a personalized salute for targets.
In this case you will salute a target and your personalized
target definition will be shown.
The remove option allows you to remove your personalized
settings for target, all, or both. This will make your salute
default to the standard.
With the command:
setupall by snapping his heels together and pounding
his right fist over his heart.
You see:
Andrew salutes members of the garrison by snapping his heels
together and pounding his right fist over his heart.
With the command:
setuptarget with respect and crisp movement of his
left arm.
You see:
Andrew salutes you with respect and crisp movement of his
left arm.
NOTE: Care should be taken to ensure that your definitions
fall under the guidelines of the guild and genre of the game.
Abuse of this command will get you removed from the guild.
Technique Name: Feast
SP Cost: Variant, depends on the food
Syntax: feast
Skills used: mental focus
Trained in body and mind, you have learned that mind
over body is sometimes needed in dangerous situations.
When you are full and cannot eat anymore, this is the
time that a knight must feast and eat even though
the stomach protests. How much you can eat after
you are full is based on your level and mental skill.
Be aware that feasting will take you that much longer
to be able to eat again. In other words, if you are
full and eat a steak, you must wait for that steak
to digest to even be merely full again. Sometimes
a knight must go and rest for awhile after feasting.
Technique Name: Slash
SP Cost: 30
Syntax: slash
Skills used: combat weapons, combat martial
The slash is the most basic of knight offensive skills,
however, it is the quickest and can become quite damaging
as your skills and level increase. The slash is a quick
underhanded cut to the torso of your enemy causing
distraction and pain.
The damage you inflict is based on your skills and level and
the armour of your enemy.
Technique Name: Focus
SP Cost: 40
Syntax: focus
Skills used: combat martial, combat tactics, mental focus
Many knights have learned to concentrate in battle and
this ability gives you added power in your attacks. As you
bring your focus on your fighting abilities to a greater
degree, you will increase the amount of damage you inflict
on your opponent.
Focus is another key to a knight being successful in combat
and the duration of your focus as well as the power of the
focus is dependent upon your skills and level.
Technique Name: Stun
SP Cost: 25
Syntax: stun
Skills used: combat attack, combat armor
The stun is a method for the knight to knock a foe to
the ground and stop them from fighting. When successful
your enemy will be debilitated for a few combat rounds
while you will be free to punish them.
The stun in its basic form uses your forearms to knock
your foe senseless and is less damaging than the powerful
shield stun, but is effective based on your skills and
level and those of your target.
(It is actually better than shield stun as shield stun is broken)
Technique Name: Target
SP Cost: 2 per round
Syntax: target
Skills used: combat martial, combat tactics, mental focus
The ability to focus on an enemy is the tactic of a skilled
knight of the realm. Targetting a foe is a method of
removing the most dangerous enemies first and can help
in a battle.
This ability will focus your weapon or unarmed attacks
directly against a specific foe. If something is protecting
the enemy you attempt to target, it is likely that you will
be forced to go through the protector first.
Use the command "target off" to stop targeting your enemy.
Target lasts as many rounds as you have levels or until
you run out of energy.
Technique Name: Grip Weapon
SP Cost: 50
Coin Cost: 5,000
Syntax: gripweapon
Skills used: merchant forge, merchant repair, combat weapons
Knowledge of weapons and how to improve them is a specialty of
the knights of the Kingdom. Similar to those other weapon and
armour enhancing techniques like oiling armour and sharpening
weapons when you add a stronger grip to a weapon you will
increase its effectiveness in battle.
The better the grip and handle the more powerful the weapon
will become and the more damage you will be able to deliver to
those that oppose you.
The quality of the grip and success is dependent upon your
skills and level while failure may result in the weapon being
The cost of materials for this is 5,000 coppers.
Technique Name: Assist
SP Cost: 20
Syntax: assist
Skills used: thief dodge
Assisting another adventurer when they are too tired
or weak to move on their own is a staple of the
honorable knight. With your strength and endurance you
are able to transfer your endurance to them assisting
them in moving.
The amount of endurance the person you are assisting
receives is based on your skills. You must have enough
endurance to assist your target.
Technique Name: Double Cut
SP Cost: 40
Syntax: doublecut
Skills used: combat attack, combat weapons
The double cut is a method of quickly using both your
primary and secondary weapons a second time in the same
combat round. This fast maneuver could be the difference
between winning or losing a battle.
The effectiveness and extra damage done during this attack
is based on your skills and level. Doublecut is only possible
while engaged in combat.
SP Cost: 45
Syntax: charge
Skills used: combat attack, combat tactics, mental focus
One of the most well known ways of a knight to enter into
battle is in the form of a charge. Charging in battle is a
grand thing as challenges and warcries begin the style and
culminate into a massive series of blows. This technique
becomes an attempt to drive the opponent into submission.
While this skill takes much longer than most to accomplish,
giving the victim a chance to escape, the resulting bone
jarring crunch at the end of the charge can make the attack
The amount of damage and debilitation to your victim is
based on your skills and level and that of your target.
Technique name: Invigor
Syntax: invigor
Skills used: combat tactics, mental focus
A higher form of assist is when a knight can invigor
another with health, energy, and endurance. This is done
by studying the terrain and your target. Knowing the
terrain helps to determine the amount of endurance the
target will need. Studying your target will give you
insight on the best way to invigor them.
This technique can be useful when you are with someone
who is weakened or lacks the endurance that you or others
in your group may have.
The amount of assistance you provide is based on your
skills and level and how well you understand the area
and your targets strengths.
Technique Name: Barricade
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: barricade
Skills used: combat defense, merchant repair, merchant forge
combat armor
The building of a barricade is a difficult and time
consuming effort for anyone, but a knight has the skill
and strength necessary to block a direction with the use of
the powerful barricade. These large wall like structures
are built as a quick defensive position mostly used
during invasions or assaults on key locations.
The strength, duration, and power of a barricade is
based on the skills and level of the knight who erects
Technique Name: Inspire
SP Cost: 30
Syntax: inspire
Skills used: mental focus, combat tactics
The ability for a knight to inspire others toward
better skills in battle is something expected of
you. Inspiring others who you lead or command is
the key to bolstering strength and ability from
By inspiring your target you can enhance their
fighting abilities and make them considerably more
deadly. How deadly is based on your skills and your
Technique Name: Challenge
SP Cost: 40
Syntax: challenge
Skills used: mental focus, combat martial, combat tactics
Issuing a challenge to an opponent is the basis of an
honorable combat in the minds of most knights. The
finesse and style in which the challenge is given can
be awe inspiring to one watching the interaction.
By challenging your target you will commit them to engage
you in fair combat and on success the target will
initiate combat against you, striking first. This can
sometimes avoid the embarrassing court appearances when
someone claims that the battle was less than honorably
Note: This ability only works against NPCs.
Technique Name: Parry
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: parry
Skills used: combat defense, combat martial, combat weapons,
combat tactics
Learned in the beginnings of your knighthood the parry is the most
basic yet important of the defensive tactics. Almost second nature
in its style, the parry is a p
owerful ability that allows you to
thwart attacks, turning them aside and lowering the damage they do
against you.
Effective parrying can keep the most severe attacks from becoming
debilitating and when used properly with timing during battle
the parry can be a lasting style to protect you.
The full duration and protection of the parry is based on your
skills and level.
Technique Name: Rush
SP Cost: 60
Syntax: rush
Skills used: combat tactics, combat martial, combat weapons
Preparing and rushing a foe can be painful to them and with
the right shield and skills even fatal. The powerful rush takes
some time to prepare and cannot be administered often, but it
is one of the more powerful knight techniques.
Your foe must be present prior to the actual rush, and you must
have a shield to slam into your target. The severity of the rush
is based on your skills and the shield you hold as well as the
skills and armour of your opponent.
Technique Name: Observe
SP Cost: 35
Syntax: observe
observe attack
Skills used: combat tactics, combat defense
While not as powerful as the study, the observe
is a shorter and quicker version, allowing you
to quietly watch your target and when ready
attack them with more power than normal. The
observe does not require full concentration and
can allow you to punish your victim effectively.
The power of your observe is based on your skills.
When you are done observing your target you can
start your special attack with: observe attack.
If you target has left or is dead your observe
will be wasted.
The observe cannot be initiated during combat.
Technique Name: knight Order
SP Cost: 10
Syntax: fighterorder
Skills used: None
Sometimes an officer must issue orders during battle
to keep those who are fighting aware of actions to
be taken. It can be to call for a retreat or call for
agression or other order.
The order is heard both in the room of the knight and
surrounding rooms.
Technique Name: Behead
SP Cost: 25
Syntax: behead
Skills used: None
Sometimes you want to retain a trophy of a defeated foe.
Knights have various reasons for doing this, but most of
them date back to the a knight captain of the Eagles of
Surik who defended the King from an assassin. In order
to deter the followers of this dangerous group, the knight
captain hacked off the head of the assassin and posted it
on display outside of the city as a warning.
It is of note that the knight captain was a Suden and this
practice became something of a tradition when important
foes were defeated.
Technique Name: Sweeping Strike
SP Cost: 60
Syntax: sweepingstrike
Skills used: combat attack, combat weapons, combat martial
A skilled knight has learned about the use of weapons against
multiple enemies and the sweeping strike is the basis of this
style of combat. The sweeping strike is useful when you have
several foes fighting you at once.
Using your weapons in a sweeping movement style of attack, the
strike will hit everyone you are fighting, allowing you to cut
through your enemies with efficiency. The sweeping strike
can be painful and the damage done by it is based on the armour
worn by those hit and the skill and level of the knight
initiating the strike.
Technique Name: judgearmour
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: judgearmour
Skills used: combat armor, merchant repair
The defensive nature of armour is something that is learned
over the years through combat and usage. The judging of the
protective nature of armour is almost second nature to you.
You can quickly assess whether it affords proper protection or
if it should be used as a scrap.
The accuracy of you judgement is dependent upon many things.
Your ability to select the correct armour t
o test against is
the main skill as you can only judge two similar types of
armour. It is also important to note that armour that has
already been repaired cannot be judged. You must also be
aware that any armour that has been modified in anyway also
cannot be judged.
Judging items is not always completely accurate. The forging
of armour and skill of the forger can come into play making
one piece of armour more protective than a similar piece. Also,
inherent powers of armour might make it better even though it
seems less protective. So be judicious in your determinations
about how protective or effective armour is.
Technique Name: Guard
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: guard
guard stop
Skills used: combat defense, combat martial, combat armor,
thief dodge
Guarding another person is something well known and part
of the code of honor for a knight. Much more effective
than simply protecting someone, guarding blocks nearly all
of the attacks against the person you are guarding.
After the event of the Four Guardians the actions of the
the four became a monumental sacrifice of honor that all
Knights strove for. The leaders of the Knights formed a
circle to analyze a way to imitate these actions. The
result was that a skilled and trained knight can become
the ultimate guard of another.
With this ability the knight takes on all the damage of
the person they are protecting in an effort to be of
singular defense. This method of guarding is extremely
dangerous in that any kind of damage will be born by the
person guarding.
You must be with the person who is being harmed or the
guarding will not be effective. The length of time you can
guard someone is based on your skills and level. To stop
guarding someone you utilize the command: guard stop.
Technique Name: Sharpen
SP Cost: 75
Coin Cost: 15,000
Syntax: sharpen
The art of knowing a weapon and then being able to sharpen
it has been a staple of knights for generations. First
learned from the blacksmiths of the kingdom and shared as
a method of keeping a weapon effective, sharpening a weapon
can make that weapon more damaging to your enemy.
It is a known fact that knights are the best at this skill
even though many merchants think that their own abilities
can match that of the knight. The sharpness achieved and
success of sharpening is dependent upon your skills.
Failure may result in the weapon being destroyed and it
should be known that the cost of materials for this is
15,000 coppers.
Technique Name: Capture
SP Cost: 60
Syntax: capture
Skills used: combat tactics, combat martial, combat weapons,
merchant forge, level
Sometimes the knights are called upon to capture thieves
and vagabonds for holding by the authorities. The captur
is setup with materials that will snare a victim and cause
them to be waylaid.
Laying a trap for a specific victim and having patience
you will have the ability to capture them which will then
notify you when the person walks into the room. When this
happens the trap is sprung and holds your victim in place
when successful.
Note: This command only works on players.
(Only partly useful. The target can escape easily with two trys, even on Vaylin's capture)
Technique Name: Sacrifice Weapon
SP Cost: 40
Syntax: sacrificeweapon
Skills used: combat weapons, combat martial, merchant forge,
Sometimes you want to deliver such a terrible blow to your foe that
you put all your strength and might into the attack. When this happens
you sacrifice whatever weapon you are wielding in an attempt to deliver
a fatal strike to your enemy. Obviously, your weapon will be destroyed
in the attempt, but the resulting damage may be worth it and may even
be a last resort to save your own life.
The power of the attack and damage done is dependent on your skills
and the power and value of the weapon being used and your strength.
Technique Name: Critical
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: critical
Skills used: combat martial, combat weapons, combat tactics
An expert in weapons and tactics you can pin point the
perfect location to strike your enemy. The critical strike
has been known to cause the victim to cry out in pain while
blood flows like a river. How well you can find that location
and effectively strike the critical blow is based on your
skills and level.
Of special note is that the critical can hit someone even
if they are hiding. This can be extremely effective against
adventurers with such abilities.
The damage of the critical is related to your skills and
level and the armour, skills, and level of your target.
Technique Name: Rally
SP Cost: 75
Syntax: rally
Skills used: mental focus, combat tactics, combat martial
Commanding a group to follow your lead and rally in battle is
the purpose behind this skill. Rally is a call to everyone
following you to strive to stronger commitment and power.
The rally inspires all those in your group to inflict an
extra attack on your enemies by joining in a group assault.
This can be both devastating and booster morale during a
When you learn this technique and grow in power and skill
you will eventually learn the phalanx which is a much more
powerful style of group attack.
The success on rallying your comrades is based on your skills
and level.
Technique Name: Adrenaline
SP Cost: 30 + 2 times your Level
Syntax: adrenaline
Skills used: combat attack, mental focus, combat tactics
Calling upon your inner strength you can bring forth a surge
of adrenaline and plow into your foe successfully delivering
a few extras blows. This is the smaller form of Rush and you
must be wielding a weapon. Your primary weapon will be the
only weapon that delivers extra attacks.
The nice thing about adrenaline is that the surge occurs
immediately. The power of adrenaline is based on your skills
and level as well as the weapons you wield.
Technique Name: Spike Head
SP Cost: 150, 50
Syntax: spikehead, spikehead remove
Skills used: None
A method first performed as a spiritual ritual in
the early years of the development of the Pirshahian
Empire the spiking of a head for the express purpose
of striking fear into your enemy is something a knight
with skills has learned in special forces training.
Once you have hacked off the head of your foe you can
utilize your skills in the art of intimidation to spike
that head on top of a metal pole.
This brutal action is known to strike fear into the
hearts of one's enemies and came about during the chaos
wars thousands of years ago
You must have the head with you from a previously defeated
enemy. If you wish to remove the spike, you can use the
command "spikehead remove."
Technique Name: Feint
SP Cost: 60
Syntax: feint
Skills used: combat tactics, combat martial, combat weapons
A difficult technique and similar to the ability
to parry, the feint can trick the target into moving
one way, in order for you to strike in another unprotected
location. The quickness and speed of your opponent and
you have as much to do with the success and power of the
feint as your skills and level.
Technique Name: Second Wind
SP Cost: 25 + amount
Syntax: secondwind
Skills used: None
A knight who has lost all endurance can be a dead knight in
many circumstances. It has been well documented that endurance
is a life saver. Using your natural abilities and skill you can
moderate your power and give yourself more endurance.
Surprisingly enough, this has become an often used method for
knights to patrol and keep safe.
Technique Name: Oil Armor
SP Cost: 100
Coin Cost: 10,000
Syntax: oilarmor
Skills used: merchant forge, merchant repair, combat armor
Like the skill of sharpening for weapons, the knowledge of
armour both types and material is needed for a knight to be
able to add more protection to a piece of armor. This skill
is held in awe by most who deal with the knights of the
Kingdom in that most cannot perform this task.
Applying a thin coat of oil to a coat of armour is a method
used by knights to add strength and protection to the outside
material. The skill and expertise of the knight will be a
strong componant in the success or failure of the act as
failure may result in the destruction of the armour.
Items that have been enhanced in other ways increases the
risk of failure. The cost of materials for this is 10,000
coppers. Only helms, body armour, and shields of leather
or metal may be oiled.
Technique Name: Ambush
SP Cost: 125
Syntax: ambush
Skills used: combat attack, combat martial, combat tactics,
mental focus
Ambush is a very dangerous technique, requiring great skill
and mastery. It takes into account many of the knights most
important skills. Combining this with the element of surprise,
it is deadly.
Because this style of combat takes total concentration, you
must be at absolute peace with yourself and strong in heart
and body to succeed. If you are not your opponent will most
likely see you coming, and turn your attack back upon you.
The ability for success and the damage inflicted is based on
your skills and level.
Technique Name: Squire
SP Cost: 250
Coin Cost: 2500
Syntax: squire
Skills used: merchant repair, merchant forge, combat tactics
A knight who has obtained the rank of notoreity has the option
to be served and accompanied by a squire. The squire is an eager
young man or woman who is an apprentice to the knight and takes
your orders without question.
The squire can fight and carry your weapons, armour, or treasure
as you adventure. The orders a squire can take are listed below.
It should be noted that the strength and abilities of the squire
are based on your skills and level.
Note: Some combat orders cost the squire energy as shown. Only one squire
can be summoned at a time. If you have problems with the squire
because of disconnect or a server reset you may have to wait up to
10 minutes to summon your squire again.
Technique Name: slice
SP Cost: 100 + 10 per slice round
Syntax: slice
Skills used: combat attack, combat martial, combat weapons
The slice is arguably the most damaging of the main attacks
of the knight. The full damage is awesome when you wield
more than one weapon and especially if those weapons are
of high quality. Many have been know to run from the power
and damaging ability of the slice.
This special attack may give you extra attacks depending
on the opponent and your abilities. The damage of your slice
is based on your dexterity, skills, and weapons used.
Obviously the weapon of choice is a blade.
Technique Name: Shield Stun
SP Cost: 125
Syntax: shieldstun
Skills used: combat attack, combat armor
Much more powerful than the simple stun, the stun with
a shield can cause the target to lose more than just
the ability to fight. It can stop them from fleeing as
well as cause them to lose their powers for a more
brief period while also causing more damage than the
The shield stun requires you to be using a shield but
you do not have to be in combat. The power of this stun
is based on your skills and level, the strength of your
shield and the skills and level of your target.
(Powers arn't stopped for more than a couple seconds. Stun is better in combat. This is better evidently for PVP)
Technique Name: Spin Blades
SP Cost: 125
Syntax: spinblades
Skills used: combat attack, combat martial, combat weapons, level
Spinning your weapons through your enemies like so much
kindling is a devastating attack that will hit every enemy
in the room. It is another way to battle multiple foes
however is not just a single strike but continues for
several rounds.
Because it is an ongoing attack you can deliver death
and dismemberment to all who oppose you. Eventhought the
spin blades refers to a blade, it actually works with any
weapon even your fists, since the derivitive of the name
stems originally from the first knight who learned the
power and named it as such.
Spinblades must be started during combat. The duration of the
attack and the damage you inflict upon your enemies is based
on your skills and level.
Technique Name: disarm
SP Cost: 50
Syntax: disarm
Skills used: combat tactics, combat martial, combat weapons
When you disarm a target, you will try to reach out and grab your
target's weapon. If your target is not holding any weapons, nothing will
happen. If your target is holding two weapons, you can only grab one
weapon at a time.
You can both disarm during combat with your target,
and also before fighting your target. Even should you succeed
in disarming a target you are not fighting with, your target will
attack you, the weapon falling to the ground. If you
fail to disarm a
target you are not fighting with, there is a large chance that the
target will attack you, seeing what you were trying to do. If you
succeed in disarming, there is a little chance of the weapon being
destroyed by the disarm. This will happen because the weapon is
dragged out of the target's hands so tremendously hard that the
weapon is crushed into the ground.
If you are hurt badly you will not be able to disarm anyone and if
you are tired, you will fail in disarming.
Chance of success is based upon you and your target's strength,
dexterity, level, and skills. A strong and quick person will be
better at disarming than a weak and slow person.
Technique Name: Study
SP Cost: 100
Syntax: study
Skills used: combat tactics, combat defense, combat martial,
combat weapons, level
A powerful and very intricate technique is the ability
to study your victim. Having learned from the observe, you
may have the patience and fortitude to watch your enemy
for a much longer period of time. This time is used to
learn about your target and find the weaknesses.
It is imperative that you do not move or speak during this
study as it will destroy your ability to properly assault
the target when ready.
When done correctly, the study will unleash a horrendous
assault on your target, causing them to feel the wrath,
speed, and efficiency of a killing machine.
The command after the study completes is: study assault.
Technique Name: Entrap
SP Cost: 150
Syntax: entrap 'style' 'type'
Skills used: combat tactics, combat martial, combat weapons,
merchant forge, merchant repair
Entrap is a more broad method of capturing a victim. With
entrap you can specify race, religion, fealty, or guild and and
capture anyone of that depiction. You will be notified when
someone is captured and when your entrapment ceases to work.
The number of people you can entrap is based upon your skills
and level and that of the target. Once entrapped the person
will be immobilized for a certain amount of time, again based
on their skills and level.
entrap guild mage - this will trap any mage guild member.
entrap race lykos - this will trap all lykos.
entrap religion nature - this will trap all nature devotees.
entrap fealty southland - this will trap anyone from the southland.
entrap fealty kingdom - this will trap anyone from the northland.
entrap fealty none - this will trap anyone without fealty.
The type must match the style. For example, if your style is
guild, but you do not choose a valid guild, you will fail in
entrapping anyone. If you do make a mistake you can just use
entrap again with no modifiers and you will remove the current
Note: This command only works on players and a thief will be guilded
as a rogue.
Technique Name: Razoredge
SP Cost: 250
Coin Cost: 50,000
Syntax: razoredge
Skills used: merchant forge, merchant repairs, combat weapons
The ability to add an edge to a weapon that has the sharpness
of a razor is the skill of the most talented and knowledgable
knight. While sharpening a weapon can make that weapon more
damaging to your enemy, adding the razoredge makes the weapon
flawless in its cutting ability.
A weapon must first be sharpened before the razoredge can be
applied to the edge. This is a very difficult procedure and
must be performed under the most calm environments for
failure has often guaranteed the destruction of the weapon.
The cost of materials for this is 50,000 coppers.
Technique Name: Demoralize
SP Cost: 200
Syntax: demoralize
Skills used: combat attack, combat tactics, combat martial,
combat weapons, thief dodge
In the time just before the event of the Four Guardians
a knight in training with the Eagles of Surik was lost in
the mountains of Jemeleon. He found himself in ancient
caves and nigh unto death was found by a priest of the
tombs. This strange guardian taught the demoralized knight
that all things can be used for learning. Over t
he course
of the next month the guardian trained the knight how to
use his own demoralized state as a source of power against
an enemy.
The knight returned to the Eagles with advanced knowledge
similar to the ability to study a foe but in this case
unleash a demoralizing precursor to battle. When performed
effectively this initial action can reduce an enemy
significantly before a battle begins.
The nature of demoralize is such that it must be done prior
to battle and the knight performing the action will be
so focused they will not be able to utilize other skills
for some time. Demoralize is also an infrequent power as
it takes so much mental and physical skill to perform.
Demoralize is based on your skills and level and that of
your enemy and unlike other abilities the action will not
start combat.
Technique Name: Counter
SP Cost: 200
Syntax: counter
counter stop
Skills used: combat defense, combat martial, combat tactics
Countering the blows of an enemy can be most devastating to them.
While you still obtain damage from their attack, you counter some
of the pain back into your target. This continues for the duration
of your counter and will flow back into your enemies fighting you
until the counter wears off or your enemies are dead.
In some cases this can be the difference between living and
dying in combat. The duration of the counter is based on your
skills and level and those of your target. The amount of damage
you can counter is also based on your skills and those of your
Counter may not be used with parry or vice versa. To stop
countering blows you use the command: counter stop.
Technique Name: Knights Call
SP Cost: 275
Syntax: knightscall
Skills used: mental focus, merchant repair, merchant forge
Since the beginning of the formation of knights throughout
the land it was widely known that any knight could count
on another in times of danger or need. In the days of old
a knight would utilize the horn of a animal as a method
to call to another knight. The call of the knight became
the way of the true brotherhood and the horn a symbol of
When the Four Guardians battled the beings from another
dimension a knew method of protection and assistance
through interdimensional travel was born in powerful
form of the knights call. By utilizing a specially
formed matrix horn a knight calls out to a fellow
knight and can bring them directly to them.
The limitations of the knights call are that the
person using the horn and the knight being called must
both be outside. The call also takes time and neither
party can move during the waiting period. The knight
calling the other will also have a time being
Finally, success is not guaranteed and is based on the
skills and level of the knight.
Failure will only result in the called knight not coming to the location of the requester.
Technique Name: Phalanx
SP Cost: 160
Syntax: phalanx
Skills used: mental focus, combat attack, combat martial
As a younger knight you learned the ability to rally a group
following you into stronger commitment and power. This ability
allowed you to lead the battle with some encouragment. As you
have gained in power, knowledge, and skill you are able to
bring this same group into a much more powerful and
destructive offense called the phalanx.
In ancient days of the first knights, the phalanx when
properly formed has been known to bring down the most mighty
of enemies. The phalanx brings forth a mighty strike of
those under your command in a destructive attack.
The success and damage of the phalanx is based on your
skills and level and the number of those following you.
Technique Name: Final Strike
SP Cost: 175
EP Cost: All (minumum 100)
HP Cost: Varies
Syntax: finalstrike
Skills used: combat attack, combat martial, combat tactics,
mental focus, combat weapons
The final strike is a method a knight uses to finish off an
enemy. It is a dangerous tactic but sometimes worth it for
the ferocity of the blow. Using all of your endurance and
opening yourself up to damage, you strike with all of your
might into your enemy in order to finish them off.
Final strike is only possible against an enemy that is less
than thirty percent of their full health, therefore it is a
tactic to be used at a specific time. When used properly it
can fell an enemy.
The damage inflicted is based on your skills and level and
the timing of your attack.
Technique Name: Man Hunt
SP Cost: 200
Syntax: manhunt
Skills used: mental focus, combat martial, combat tactics
The man hunt is a tactic used by the most powerful knight
to ensure that the target does not escape. When engaging
a target using the man hunt, the tar
get will become slow in
movement making it difficult for them to escape you.
During the man hunt your target will lose endurance and power
as they try to escape it as well as suffer pain. The duration
of the man hunt, the damage given, and the ability of the
target to escape its affects are based on your skills and
level and that of your target.
Note: Manhunt is only possible against other players and
will fail on npcs.
Technique Name: Group Defense
SP Cost: 175
Syntax: groupdefense
Skills used: combat defense, combat armor, thief dodge
Similar to the special battle tactics of phalanx, the
group defense is the providence of the most highly
trained and skilled knight. The origin of this type of
maneuver was founded thousands of years ago in the first
rudementary invasions by the orcs onto the small villages
of the southlands.
The learning of this defense was transfered to the
knights when a soldier of the north met a wild feline
woman in the jungles of the southland. After months of
tracking this feline, they battled until they fainted
from loss of blood. Upon rousing they found themselves
captured by a patrol of orcs. It was for a week they
were slaves to the orcs working in the mines when
they finally escaped with three others.
Tracked by orc guards all of them spent several days
in a dark forest where the feline taught the others
the art of group defense. When the orc guards fell
upon them they used this technique to survive. The
knight spent years with the feline and when he
finally returned to the north he brought with him
the art of group defense.
This ability works with all those who are following
the knight and will only help those who remain with
the knight. The duration of the defense and its
effectiveness is based on the skills and level of
the knight.
Technique Name: Multicut
SP Cost: 200
Syntax: multicut
Skills used: combat attack, combat weapons
Similar to the double cut and adrenaline, the multi cut
allows the experienced and master knight to train multiple
attacks on all enemies, slicing and cutting into everyone
with several expert attacks.
This power is quick and efficient and can cause alarm in
those who are in combat with you as the damage inflicted
from the multiple attacks can be debilitating.
The number of attacks and power behind them is based on
your skills and level and the type of weapons you are
Technique Name: Sunder
SP Cost: 350
Syntax: Sunder
Skills used: combat armor, merchant forge, merchant repair,
combat weapons
Known as the destroyer of armour and weapons, sunder is
an ancient skill only mastered by the most powerful and
trained knight. Once learned and controlled the skilled
knight can charge into an enemy with such fearsome ferocity
that they plow through the weapons and armour of their foe
with disintegrating explosive
When effective the target's armour and weapons can be
destroyed in the brutal assault, ripping them from body and
hands with extreme prejudice. The affected weapons and armour
will be damaged to the point of forced repair, knocked to the
ground with partial damage, or completely destroyed in the
The success of the sunder is based on the skills and level
of the knight and that of the target as well as the quality
of the gear.
Technique Name: Apocalypse
SP Cost: 500
Syntax: Apocalypse
Skills used: All
Awesome to behold, the apocalypse is a combination of
every skill and ability you have, brought to bear on your
target in a devastating blow, sending most lesser
beings into the grave. This destruction of epic
proportions tears limbs from bodies and sends fountains
of blood spewing forth in waves of massive blows.
As if the initial blow wasn't enough to stun anyone
witnessing this carnage, the apocalypse continues
your bludgeoning into the fray and anyone still
standing against you is torn asunder again and
again with the aftermath. Less destructive than the
initial impact it is no less awesome in scope.