Druid Guild Powers

INF Files

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Spell Name: Magic Flower

SP Cost: 30 + Level * 3
Syntax: magicflower
Skills used: magic spells, magic elements
A beautiful and naturally healing staple of nature is the magic flower. As a druid, you can create a flower of the types and colors listed below. The flower can be smelled and releases a healing aroma to the person who has it. The strength of the healing is based on your skills. You must be in the forest to create a magic flower.
short: This designates a single word name of the flower. If you make a silky soft rose, your short word might be rose and the flower will be able to be identified by that word.

Types: Can be any valid flower type that does not contain odd characters. Should not be more than four words in length.
Example: magicflower rose red soft rose
(becomes a soft rose, red in color)
magicflower orchid purple large orchid
(becomes a large orchid, purple in color)
Note: Do not use bogus flower names that are not realistic and Do NOT use ascii characters in your flower name like: <>{}()&* or other characters. Doing so will get you removed from the guild.

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